Wednesday, February 20, 2013

About Communication


Effective communication is quite important to an international student. The existance of many misunderstandings and conflicts are due to miscommunication. For instance, in Asia it would be considered rude and irrespecutful to talk with someone in a close distance, which while is quite acceptable in the middle-east cultures. Also as far as I learn, Japanese is a strictly organized and hierarchical language. Mis-use of word would generate negative impact between interpersonal relationship somehow. Therefore, it is important to understand the culture behind the language and practices. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013



チケットを収集することにより, どこへ行った、何をした、だれをあった、イベントがどうでしょうがわすれないです。(By collecting the tickets, I won't forget where I went, what I did, who I met and how was the event).
